You can change a company name at any time after incorporation, as long as it adheres to all company name rules and regulations. Depending on the provisions outlined in the company’s articles of association, the change of name can be authorised in one of two ways:
- by special resolution of the members, or
- by resolution of the board of directors
Upon passing a resolution of the members or directors, a change of name application and a copy of the resolution must be filed at Companies House. Most applications are approved and updated on the public register of companies within 48 hours of submission.
Whether you are registering a completely new name, correcting a spelling error, or changing a symbol or punctuation mark, it is necessary to go through this official procedure. These rules are set out in the Companies Act 2006.
Change a company name by members’ resolution
To change a company name by special resolution of the members (shareholders/guarantors), a 75% majority of members’ votes is required. The resolution can be passed at a general meeting or it can be passed remotely as a written resolution.
To determine whether a majority has been achieved, you must count the number of individual votes cast in favour of the change, rather than the number of members who favour the change of name. This is because members can hold multiple shares, each of which may carry one or more votes, whilst some shares may be non-voting.
If a proposed resolution is passed, the directors must provide each member with written confirmation of the decision. Companies House must be notified of the change of name on Form NM01. To complete this form, you will be asked to supply to following details:
- Company number
- Existing company name in full
- Proposed company name
- Authorising signature of director
- Copy of the members’ resolution or written special resolution
Form NM01 and a copy of the resolution should be delivered to Companies House electronically or by post within 15 days of the resolution being passed. You will also be required to pay a fee of £20 (online filing) or £30 (postal filing) to Companies House.
Rapid Formations offers a Company Name Change Service at a cost of £69.99. We will prepare the required documentation for a change of name under the authority of the members of the company, including the completion and filing of Form NM01 at Companies House. Most submissions are approved within 3 working hours.
Change of company name by directors’ resolution
If a company’s articles have been altered to provide means for directors to change the name of the company, the directors can pass a resolution at a board meeting or in writing. Companies House should be notified on Form NM04. To complete this form, you must provide the following details:
- Company number
- Existing company name in full
- Proposed company name
- Authorising signature of director
- Copy of the board resolution or written resolution
Form NM04 and a copy of the resolution should be delivered to Companies House by post within 15 days of the resolution being passed. You will also be required to include a cheque or postal order for £10.
When can I start using a new company name?
You can start using a new company name as soon as it has been approved by Companies House, which is usually within 48 hours of submitting the relevant form online. It can take up to one week to process if you send the form by post.
If you file online, Companies House will notify you by email when the name has been approved. You will be issued with a digital ‘Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name’ as confirmation. You can start using the new name soon as you receive this document.
What is a certificate of name change?
Companies House will issue a Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name to confirm the change and the date it takes effect. This should be kept at your registered office or SAIL address (where applicable) for inspection purposes.
Your original company formation details will remain the same (e.g., date of incorporation, company number, etc), so you must retain a copy of your original certificate of incorporation. The new one is not a replacement, it just confirms the change of name.
Change a company name on a business bank account
When you change a company name, you also have to update business bank accounts and finance agreements. Your company is an individual ‘person’ in the eyes of the law, so the name on all contracts and agreements must match the name that is registered at Companies House and displayed on public record.
To change this information on your business bank account(s), you will have to request the relevant form from your bank and provide a copy of the change of name certificate. You may be able to complete the changes online, but you should contact your bank in the first instance to determine the correct procedure.
Updating company stationery and signage
You may continue to use your old company name on business stationery, websites, and signage for 14 days after the new name has been approved at Companies House. Thereafter, you must update all materials on which your company name appears.
Additional, you should:
- update your company name and business bank account title at HMRC
- notify members, clients, suppliers, service providers, and other business contacts
- make relevant changes to visual and audio advertisements
- register a new domain name
- update the company’s statutory records and registers
There is no need to update the memorandum and articles of association. These documents will remain in their original format for the lifetime of your company.
If I am just changing the company name, nothing else changes, does it? By that I mean that it would still be the same company so if a potential contract required 5 years of accounts in order to work with us but we’ve just changed our company name, we wouldn’t be left starting all over again and losing out on such contracts? Thanks
Hi Kayleigh
Thank you for your kind question.
Yes, you are correct. If you change the company name, this is the only thing you will change. You will still have the same company with the same date of incorporation and company registration number.
You may wish to have a look at our Change of Company Name Service.
Kind regards,
The Rapid Formations Team
Can you confirm if a company name is changed and they have still got work to do for you do they have to tell you what the new company name is or if they walk away with your money how can you find out what the new name is
Thank you for your kind enquiry, Angela.
You can see if a limited company name has changed by navigating to the Companies House register and searching for either the old or new name of the company. Once you have located the company you are checking, select ‘Filing History’ and look for a filing in relation to a change of name – this usually takes for the form of the wording ‘Change of Name by resolution’. This will enable you to locate the company on Companies House; however, locating them geographically if they have walked away with your money may be more tricky and will require investigative research using Google.
We would recommend contacting your local Trading Standards office if you believe you have been defrauded. You can find your local Trading Standards office here:
We trust this information is of use.
The Rapid Formations Team
What additional documents need to be filed at Companies House along with the relevant form (NMO1 and resolution)?
Thank you for your kind enquiry, John.
Only the NM01 Form and the Special Resolution need to be sent to Companies House when changing a company name.
I trust this information is of use to you.
I have a CIC and wish to change its name, is the process the same if the charitable objectives have changed?
Thank you for your message, Nick. From a company secretarial perspective, changing a company name for a CIC is usually the same as a normal limited company. Once the members have passed a special resolution to change the company name, the form NM01 needs to be filed with Companies House.
Hi Rachel
Do i have to consult the employees before changing name of company?
Can they object?
Thank you for your message.
In an ordinary private company limited by shares, a change of company name only needs to be approved by 75% or more of the shareholders, by Special Resolution.
There is no legal obligation for shareholders to consult with employees in relation to changing the company name, unless those employees hold a shareholding of at least 25%. There is also no legal mechanism for employees to object to a change of company name.
Kind regards,
If a company knows it is insolvent and about to be wound up, can anyone do anything to prevent that company from changing its name just prior to the anticipated liquidation?
Hi Grahame,
Generally, there should not be anything that stops a company from being able to change its name even when it is insolvent and about to be wound up.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations
Do I need to inform HMRC separately after completing a NM01 form with Companies House? If so how do I do this?
Dear Rachel,
Thank you for your message.
You should advise HMRC of the change to your company name and you should do so to the specific department which needs to know. In terms of the main taxes for which a company is registered you would do the following:
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
My company year end was 31st December 2017 and I changed the name on 15th January 2018, which company name do I produce the company accounts in?
Dear Sheena,
Thank you for your message.
You will prepare the accounts in the old name of the company as it was at the live name at the end of the accounting period.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team.
Hi, If I own two companies, one trading one dormant, can I change the name of the trading one to that of the dormant company? In essence changing the name of the active company and only having one company going forward?
Hi Lee
You can change the name of your company at any time. You would not be able to have 2 companies which had the same name so you would either need to dissolve the non-trading company (which takes around 3 months to complete and then when this is done change the name, or, if you want to change the name of the trading company now, you could change the name of the dormant company to a separate name (anything you want) and then change the name of the trading company to the name you want now and then close the dormant company after 3 months as you cannot dissolve a company within 3 months of a name change. We offer a change of company name service so please see the following link for further information
Do I separately inform to VAT department that we changed company name or it is not required to inform them???
Dear Krunal,
Thank you for your message.
You should advise HMRC Vat Department of the change of name either through your online account or if you would prefer to do it by post you can complete a Vat 484 form and send it to the address at the bottom of the form. Please see link for details
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team.
I have a limited company which has been dormant since 2011, Im looking to start using the limited company asap. At the time of incorpation my chosen name wasnt available so i had to add (w.mids). ive now checked & the original company name i wanted is showing as been available as the company was dissolved in 2014. Can i now change the company name getting rid of (w.mids). If i change will it have an negative impact due to already been dissolved once before. Thanks
Dear Lee
Thank you for your message.
Unfortunately we are not professional advisors and cannot explain how to inform HMRC of changes in your circumstances. If you had been required by HMRC to file a Personal Tax Return then in the last return you file you should denote when you stopped working for the limited company so your Personal Tax Return would show that you are no longer working.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
After changing a company name do invoice numbers have to be started from scratch again
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for your message.
We are not accountants but would see no need to change the invoice numbering as the company has not changed, merely the name of the company.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
Hi Rachel – great article, thanks!
Are you able to tell me (roughly) how long it takes for a name change to be approved by Companies House once lodged online by the directors?
Dear Caroline,
Name changes submitted online are usually approved within 1-2 working days. Companies House do offer a same day change of name service at a cost of £30 if you need the change made more quickly.
Best regards
After a name change, do you have to issue new share certificates?
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your message.
You do not need to issue new share certificates. The notification of the name change will show on the Companies House record and can be referred to should the difference in name ever be questioned.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
If a limited company purely has it’s name changed is it still liable for debts and can it be pursued in the courts for agreements in the previous name?
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your message. Yes this is the case. A change of name has not bearing on liability or ownership of a limited company.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
Re: Changing a Company name:
How soon can some one else incorporate using the old name?
Hi Grant,
An old company name can be registered by another company as soon as the change is approved by Companies House and available on the public register – this will usually be within 24 hours, but it can take longer in some cases.
Best wishes,
Rachel Craig